
8 thoughts on “Videos

    1. Thanks for reaching out to Lama Tashi. This is Andy Fitts, Tashi’s secretary. Tashi has been in transition these past months and has not been able to respond to contacts through the web site. The site is going through a refurbishment. In a couple months it will once again be a place to contact him. In the meantime you can write him at the address below or he says you are welcome to contact him by phone: 808-652-0551. At present, he is not using email.

      Tashi has moved to New Mexico to live at the Karma Gyurmed Ling Buddhist center in Truth or Consequences and become the resident teacher.

      His address at the Dharma Center is:

      Lama Tashi Dondrup
      KGL Buddhist Center
      813 North Pershing Street
      TrC, New Mexico 87901

  1. Om Ah Hung!
    Abiding on the emerald jewel island of Kauai, Lama Tashi Lodrokpa Dondrup master of the secret and profound doctrine, you benefit countless beings with your heart centered pith instruction.
    Peerless guide, Lama Tashi, may your life be long! May qualified students continue to gather like bees to hear the nectar of the teachings through your benevolent activities.
    May your teachings be auspicious and flourish and may you continue to touch the hearts of practitioners near and far!

    1. Thanks for reaching out to Lama Tashi. This is Andy Fitts, Tashi’s secretary. Tashi has been in transition these past months and has not been able to respond to contacts through the web site. The site is going through a refurbishment. In a couple months it will once again be a place to contact him. In the meantime you can write him at the address below or he says you are welcome to contact him by phone: 808-652-0551. At present, he is not using email.

      Tashi has moved to New Mexico to live at the Karma Gyurmed Ling Buddhist center in Truth or Consequences and become the resident teacher.

      His address at the Dharma Center is:

      Lama Tashi Dondrup
      KGL Buddhist Center
      813 North Pershing Street
      TrC, New Mexico 87901

    1. Thanks for reaching out to Lama Tashi. This is Andy Fitts, Tashi’s secretary. Tashi has been in transition these past months and has not been able to respond to contacts through the web site. The site is going through a refurbishment. In a couple months it will once again be a place to contact him. In the meantime you can write him at the address below or he says you are welcome to contact him by phone: 808-652-0551. At present, he is not using email.

      Tashi has moved to New Mexico to live at the Karma Gyurmed Ling Buddhist center in Truth or Consequences and become the resident teacher.

      His address at the Dharma Center is:

      Lama Tashi Dondrup
      KGL Buddhist Center
      813 North Pershing Street
      TrC, New Mexico 87901

    1. Thanks for reaching out to Lama Tashi. This is Andy Fitts, Tashi’s secretary. Tashi has been in transition these past months and has not been able to respond to contacts through the web site. The site is going through a refurbishment. In a couple months it will once again be a place to contact him. In the meantime you can write him at the address below or he says you are welcome to contact him by phone: 808-652-0551. At present, he is not using email.

      Tashi has moved to New Mexico to live at the Karma Gyurmed Ling Buddhist center in Truth or Consequences and become the resident teacher.

      His address at the Dharma Center is:

      Lama Tashi Dondrup
      KGL Buddhist Center
      813 North Pershing Street
      TrC, New Mexico 87901

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