Rapture, also called Bliss or Joy is a state of mind already existing universally. We humans experience this in many ways such as sexual orgasm, near-death experiences, the use of psychotropic drugs etc. Most humans don’t value these experiences as insight into their ultimate nature of mind and the nature of the universe itself. They think of this as only temporarily existing. Shamans, healers, mystical practitioners of religions, Tibetan Lamas etc. know that this state of mind produces healing on all levels of the human condition; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This blissful, non-conceptual aspect of our consciousness, is a resultrealized through practicing meditational focus, which can produce lasting happiness. The spontaneous effect of this universal realization is loving kindness, altruistic compassion, knowingness, and the power to benefit others. Relatively, the result of this spiritual practice, creates the end of war, famine, disease, poverty, environmental collapse, and social irresponsibility on this planet. It is experienced as a pain-free body, contentment in the intellect, emotional stability, and spiritual enlightenment or Rapture, Bliss, and Joy. Ah Women!