Thank you for supporting the spread of Tibetan Buddhism.
The Kauai Dharma Center is a non-profit church organization supported by tax deductible donations allowed by law. Your donations will help the Center to grow, provide support for its dharma activities and accomplish plans for the future building of a permanent Dharma Center on Kauai.
Your help is respectfully appreciated.
For the benefit of all beings.
Thanks Lama Tashi
Eduardo from Itsly
Thanks for reaching out to Lama Tashi. This is Andy Fitts, Tashi’s secretary. Tashi has been in transition these past months and has not been able to respond to contacts through the web site. The site is going through a refurbishment. In a couple months it will once again be a place to contact him. In the meantime you can write him at the address below or he says you are welcome to contact him by phone: 808-652-0551. At present, he is not using email.
Tashi has moved to New Mexico to live at the Karma Gyurmed Ling Buddhist center in Truth or Consequences and become the resident teacher.
His address at the Dharma Center is:
Lama Tashi Dondrup
KGL Buddhist Center
813 North Pershing Street
TrC, New Mexico 87901
May all beings benefit from this writing and from my donation to Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La.
Thank you, Thu-je-che , Aheeiyeh, and Todich’ii’nii, (Tibetan and Apache thank you’s) to Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La for all of your accomplishments, for all of your teachings, for all of your empowerments, for helping me with Mahamudra, for all of your blessings, for all of your healing, for helping me with people, for helping me with images, for helping me with money, for telling me what to do, for being a friend to me, for all of your diligence, for honoring Unity, for sharing Native North American wisdom with me, for helping me with writing and art, and for everything else, too. May I repay my debts to Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La for the benefit of all beings. May Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La have a long, happy, and healthy life so he can practice and teach Dharma for the benefit of all beings. May all of Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La’s wishes be fulfilled for the benefit of all beings. I love Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La with all of my heart.
I dedicate the merit of this writing, all of my writing, today’s donation of $21,426.88, and all of my donations for Venerable Lama Tashi Dundrup La to the benefit of all beings.
Love and Best Wishes,
Beth Gerrity (Elizabeth Kathleen Gerrity)