In tantric vajrayana mahayana buddhist practice, the intrinsic five wisdom aspects of our mind are experienced as natural mind. The five elements as the natural world, and our five senses as vital offerings of light energy to the natural mind and natural world in union, or inseparable. The sense of taste is the essence of […]
Life Purpose
The purpose of all spiritual practice is to develop in this human condition these four qualities: unconditional love altruistic compassion insight or wisdom and emotional stability or equanimity The four thoughts that inspire us to do this are: 1. That we have a valuable human birth and that we should make it precious by benefitting […]
Religious cults, government agencies, corporate and commercial interests, the military complex, and various social for profit and non profit groups dictate what you can own, where you can live, what you can eat, drink, and smoke, what you can believe in, what information you can have access to, who you can marry. In fact, every […]
Acceptance of the method and motivation of Tibetan Buddhist practice is based first of all on one’s ability, inclination, and having leisure time to perform the practice on a daily basis. Secondly, one must accept the teacher or lama as one’s spiritual guide or guru. This will produce insight and realizations of one’s inner true […]
Bodhicitta ~ Pure Mind and Pure Motive
The key to lasting happiness in the practice of mahayana buddhism is this two fold practice that leads to enlightenment. First, our pure motive is that all sentient beings are to be removed from states of pain and suffering. Sentient beings are animals, spirits, and humans. Of these three, humans are the only group that […]
Yoga and the Breath
Conscious breathing is called “prana yoga”. It is the most important preliminary practice of all yoga and meditation sessions. It is very good for physical health as it greatly bolsters the immune system. For a beginner, simply sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or cross-legged on a cushion. 1. […]
Peace is a state of mind that produces a medicinal or spiritual effect, which is the end to emotional conflict or unrest. In the practice of meditation, we arrive at this experience through various techniques. We call this nirvana or enlightenment. The trick is not to become attached to our spiritual practice or it’s results. […]